“There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.”
Jiddu Krishnamurti

Nigel Utton MOst NPQH is the Education Co-ordinator for the World Freedom Alliance. He had 23 years working as a primary school teacher and ten as a school Principal in two schools in England. He has organised Educational Change workshops in England, France and Romania.
He was active in the teacher unions; Chair of Kent Association of Headteachers and chaired Heading for Inclusion for many years. He resisted the worst ravages of the Global Education Reform Movement eventually resigning in 2014 live on national radio, when the Government announced testing for four-year-olds.
Nigel had always been interested in alternatives to pharmaceutical medicine and at the age of 50 started a four-year masters in osteopathy obtaining a first-class honours in 2018 from Swansea University. He now runs an osteopathy clinic alongside his work for the World Freedom Alliance.
We are at the gateway of a new way of living in our world – Our Education Pillar is bringing together people of all ages and experiences from across the world to design a system of education which puts people – old and young – at the heart of their own learning.
We must take the best from old models including from indigenous people, and discard methods and organisational structures which do not benefit learners.
We have a telegram group and regular meetings – we would love to set up satellites across the world – if you are interested in joining us please contact education@worldfreedomalliance.org with the subject WFAED and the name of your country.