


WHO has already started negotiations and has established an Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) to draft and negotiate a WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, with a view to its adoption under Article  19, or under other provisions of the WHO Constitution as may be deemed appropriate by the INB.

Representatives of Brazil, Egypt, Japan, the Netherlands, South Africa and Thailand comprise the bureau of WHO’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB).

The first meeting of the WHO’s INB started on February 24, 2022 and will continue on June 6-8. See the schedule here.

As the EU has abusively given the green light and the governments support WHO negotiations without public debate, several organizations have launched valid campaigns on WHO’s pandemic preparedness plans and have provided relevant information and sample letters, such as the EFVV and the World Health Council.

It is important for us citizens to coordinate against this seriously worrying treaty by participating in national and pan-European campaigns.

We therefore call on you to paricipate in the action against  the WHO pandemic treaty, by promoting a well-documented letter of complaint to the Greek Government, Members of Parliament and MEPs(see below and also attached in a separate file- ΑΝΟΙΧΤΗ ΕΠΙΣΤΟΛΗ ΕΝΑΝΤΙΑ ΣΤΗN ΠΑΝΔΗΜΙΚΗ ΣΥΝΘΗΚΗ ΤΟΥ ΠΟΥ), prepared by lawyers and activists. We point out strong legal arguments (at EU and Greek level) for the controversy in supporting the preparation (and future adaptations) of this treaty by the Greek government.

We also provide an exhaustive list of the political, social and economic risks that should be of concern to everyone. In addition, it offers strong arguments of the WHO’s UNACCEPTABLE conflict of interest and its unsuitability in the role of decision-making body for the whole of humanity. It is important that we find in the Greek penal code the article that classifies the assignment to the WHO of any responsibilities as “Ultimate Treason”. Most importantly, this document calls on the government to withdraw from the WHO.

All groups of activists and not only are invited to participate in this action, indeed setting as the main goal the withdrawal of Greece from the WHO.

Attached you will find the files with the Email Addresses of Greek MPs – Διευθύνσεις email Eλλήνων βουλευτών and Email Addresses of Greek MEPs –Διευθύνσεις email Eλλήνων Ευρωβουλευτών. They are divided into groups of 10-15 and we advise to send the letters in groups of email addresses for a successful campaign.

Do not forget to sign the letter.

Notify this to all social networks, pages and groups always with #StopTheTreaty and as a comment to notifications eg. of the President, Prime Minister, ministers, MPs, media, on the issue of COVID19, always with the same hashtag.                                                                                                                                                              Recommended comment  ” We call for the immediate formulation of reservation on the content of the Treaty, the immediate withdrawal of the power to conduct negotiations on behalf of the Hellenic Republic as well as the withdrawal from the World Health Organization. The WHO cannot be allowed to control the global health agenda, nor to impose bio-surveillance.”

In coordination with activists worldwide, we continue to define the sustainable strategy, tools and joint actions to support national awareness and pressure campaigns of the government and the EU.

We will inform you about the next actions.






We, the Greek citizens, acting according to article 10 of the Constitution of the Republic of Greece, hereby submit a complaint and a request for immediate formulation of reservation by the Government of the Republic of Greece on the basis of article 19 of Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties dated 23 May 1969 (Journal of Laws, of 1990, No. 74, item. 439 – https://sip.legalis.pl/document-view.seam?documentId=mfrxilrtguydonbtga4q ) to an international treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness, which is being negotiated. In case of any difficulties regarding the procedure of formulating a reservation, we summon our Government to withdraw the given power of attorney and leave the World Health Organisation (WHO).

On 20 May 2021 the Council of the EU accepted the decision in which it approves of the start of negotiations within the WHO over an international treaty on pandemic. The Council decision is to guarantee EU participation in negotiations concerning issues, which are subject to EU competences and in further perspective – possible accession of the EU to an international instrument.

According to the Council of the EU, the Treaty would support international efforts to increase world health safety – especially in the context of preparedness and response to health crises – on the basis of conclusions drawn after the pandemic.

On 1 December 2021, 194 members of WHO reached consensus to start the process of preparing and negotiating a convention, agreement or other international instrument under the WHO Constitution to increase pandemic prevention, readiness and responsiveness.

Among the greatest benefits, a better observation of pandemic threats was mentioned i.e.: monitoring the risk, particularly sharing the knowledge about new contagious diseases transferred from animals to people. The promoters of the treaty say that the above targets can be reached by:
1. an increase of laboratory capability and observation necessary to identify animal diseases in all countries;
2. strengthening the cooperation among research centres all over the world;
3. the improvement of international finance coordination for core capabilities;
4. the introduction of a more efficient alert system on more alert levels proportionate to health threat degree;
according to WHO, the above rules would increase transparency and relevance of restrictions and other means of health protection. Digital technologies and innovative tools for data collection and sharing as well as predictive analytics may simplify communication in real time and early warning, which would then trigger a more rapid response. In addition:
5. Strengthening and improvement of global supply chains and medical services in order to eliminate health threats. Each country should have uninterrupted access to medical supplies, medicines and equipment from all the world.
6. Global coordination of efficient gathering of supplies in order to quickly and effectively react to a pandemic.
7. Forming a basis for better communication and information of citizens, as well as facilitating efficient instruments fighting disinformation with regard to pandemic in the whole world.

According to the Council of the EU Notice Guidance, each member state of WHO decided that because of the COVID-19 pandemic and difficulties with implementing mutual solutions which were to prevent its development, there will be activities undertaken in order to prepare one common way of action (instrument), to successfully prevent subsequent pandemics.

It should be noted, that the main source of information about the potential risk of pandemic is the WHO and Bill Gates, who is currently a dominant sponsor of the institution in question. On 24 February 2022, the first meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body was held in Geneva where the proposed method of work was adopted. On 14 and 15 March 2022 the first meeting was resumed and the process to identify substantive elements of the instrument, the timeline and deliverables and the proposed modalities for the engagement of stakeholders were adopted. The continuation of the resumed session of the first meeting will be held between 6-8 June 2022. There will be further meetings, with the intention that a progress report will be presented at the seventy sixth World Health Assembly in May 2023 and a finalization report to the seventy seventh World Health Assembly in May 2024 for the above-mentioned document is intended to be passed by 2024 at the latest.

WHO claims the COVID-19 pandemic was a global challenge and no government or institution is able to independently manage the threat of future pandemics, and that is why it is so important to work out one effective instrument in the form of convention, agreement or another international instrument, which will be binding under international law for each member state of WHO as far as uniform anti-pandemic solutions are concerned. The above, in turn will make it possible for the countries all over the world to strengthen state, regional and global solutions in order to prevent future pandemics. WHO insists such solutions will allow stable and long-term implementation of health issues integration rules in all suitable political areas, political involvement on the level of state leaders or governments. It will also let them support integration as far as public and private sectors’ actions on all levels are concerned and will result in working out a uniform attitude towards health on the whole planet.

It should be pointed out, that the real aims of the considered initiative are:
1. forming a uniform model of solutions, which signatory states of such instrument will be obliged to apply in case of announcing subsequent pandemics by WHO,
2. acknowledging superior and binding role of WHO when implementing precise solutions to fight epidemic of contagious diseases,
3. granting WHO the right to issue binding decisions for the member-states, under which each country will be obliged to apply a specific strategy in the fight with a potential risk of disease,
4. depriving the member states of substantial component of sovereignty,
5. depriving the member states of full control over financial affairs in connection with fighting a pandemic,
6. introduction of sanctions for violation of WHO pandemic narrative and the model of fighting the pandemic by imposing consequences in the field of international relations and fines,
7. introduction of instruments fighting with “disinformation” by removing all contents which are incompatible with official narrative of WHO via mainstream media,
8. eliminating all alternative methods of treating diseases, different from those recommended by WHO within the agreement.

The above-mentioned concerns, in our opinion, based on the current health and financial situation, open up unlimited opportunities for:

  • massive financial fraud,
  • giving WHO, a private institution, unlimited power in health matters at the expense of the sovereignty of the signatory countries,
  • absolute subordination to WHO decisions with a complete lack of control over the validity and reliability of situation assessment being the basis of the decisions made by WHO
  • opportunities of providing unlimited profits for pharmaceutical companies,
  • government funding of morally questionable research and medical experiments as well as potential forcing citizens to submit to these experiments,
  • forming a new human being and promoting transhumanism,
  • introducing total digital control of society under the pretence of fighting for our health,
  • introducing unlimited censorship, violation of civil rights, freedom of speech i.e. freedom to express one’s views,
  • possibility of establishing permanent detention camps for health and politically ‘suspicious’ citizens with global administration and regional management,
  • combating alternative treatments that are incompatible with WHO narrative and the interests of its donors in the form of pharmaceutical companies.

It should be noted that currently Member States contributions cover less than 20% of WHO budget. More than 80% is in the form of voluntary and intentional contributions from public or private donors, mainly foundations and pharmaceutical companies.

Slightly more than 14% of the total WHO budget comes from Bill & Melinda Gates foundation. For a couple of years this foundation has been the greatest private donor and donated $2.5billion to WHO at the turn of the millennium. Only in 2016 and 2017 an annual amount of $629million was donated by the foundation – most of it was spent on vaccine campaigns.

The Bill & Melinda Gates foundation granted WHO $1.6billion to help eradicate spreading of poliomyelitis – polio, bringing great profits for pharmaceutical companies and causing a sudden rise of their share prices at the same time. The representatives of these companies sit in the board of Bill & Melinda Gates foundation and thus their stock prices increased as well. The foundation owns blocks of shares in such pharmaceutical groups as GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Roche, Sanofi, Gilead and Pfizer.

Almost 6 years ago there was a significant structural change within WHO to the advantage of a private factor. Until then, only non-profit organizations were allowed to participate in WHO working groups and task teams where the most important decisions are made. In May 2016 the decision was made by the WHO General Assembly to allow commercial companies to influence the strategic decisions in its organs.

Under applicable law including the DIRECTIVE 2014/24/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 26 February 2014 and article 24 of this Directive: “Member States shall ensure that contracting authorities take appropriate measures to effectively prevent, identify and remedy conflicts of interest arising in the conduct of procurement procedures so as to avoid any distortion of competition and to ensure equal treatment of all economic operators.”

The concept of a conflict of interest involves each situation, in which staff members of a contracting authority or a procurement service provider acting on behalf of an ordering institution participating in the conduct of procurement procedures or able to influence the outcome of such conduct, have, indirectly or directly, financial, economic or personal interest which could be perceived as a threat to impartiality and independence in relation to the conduct of procurement procedures.

The above-mentioned provisions relate to the eligibility of expenditure under the European Union funds but they can also be applicable in this case.

Regarding the above-mentioned provisions the concept of a conflict of interest should not be examined solely on the grounds of the Guidelines on the eligibility of expenditures under the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund for the years 2014 – 2020 as these Guidelines refer solely to personal and capital connections which should be avoided when awarding procurement in particular. The inclusion of the wording “in particular” can also mean that the catalogue of cases of capital and personal connections described in the Guidelines is an open catalogue which means that occurrence of other cases of personal or capital connections as well as the lack of impartiality and objectivity when awarding procurement testifies the occurrence of a conflict of interest.

Analogous provisions can be found in the Commission Notice Guidance on the avoidance and management of conflicts of interest under the Financial Regulation 2021/C 121/01 and Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 laying down common and general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006.

It should be categorically pointed out that WHO, as an entity sponsored by pharmaceutical companies which are producers of vaccines as well as by Bill Gates, the main promoter of vaccination, has allowed commercial companies to influence strategic decisions since May 2016, which is an obvious and real conflict of interest. Therefore, delegating to WHO any competences of Organs of State authority under article 28 of the Constitution of the Hellenic Republic shall have features of an act classified in article 134, of the Greek Criminal Code (Treason).

Having considered the above mentioned threats, in accordance with article 25 ,Part 2 and article 120, Part 3 and 4,  of the Constitution of the Hellenic Republic

“The recognition and protection of fundamental and inalienable human rights by the State aims at the achievement of social progress within conditions of liberty and justice.”

“Usurpation, in any way, of popular sovereignty and the powers that derive from it is prosecuted on restoration of the rule of law, when the statute of limitations also comes into force for the crime.

Observance of the Constitution is left to the patriotism of the Greeks, who have the right and obligation to resist by any means anyone attempting to overthrow it by force.”

we call for an immediate filing of the reservation to the content of the Treaty, immediate withdrawal of the power given to conduct negotiations on behalf of the Hellenic Republic  as well as withdrawal from the World Health Organization.                                                                                                                                                                                         On behalf of the citizens of the Hellenic Republic