Professor Justine Nolan, Director of the Australian Human Rights Institute said: “Australian businesses and government must walk the talk and accept the need to remediate harms so that there is accountability for business related impacts wherever they occur.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the inequalities at the heart of the global economic system and has pushed those that power our global supply chains into further precarity. The pandemic has highlighted the need for stronger social safeguards and a people-centred approach to business.”

Professor Croucher said: “There is still a significant gap in translating human rights policies into practice.

“While the report highlights some key areas of progress, including the introduction of modern slavery reporting laws and the strengthening of Australia’s OECD National Contact Point complaint mechanism, much work remains to be done.”

The report considers a range of key human rights issues in the Australian business context, including combating modern slavery, addressing the adverse human rights impacts of climate change, respecting the land rights of First Nations Peoples and ensuring victims have access to remedy. The report also considers the key role of institutional investors in driving business respect for human rights in the market.

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