There have been 2 more deaths reported to the TGA after COVID-19 vaccination on 24th January 2023.

One was a 45-year-old woman with a reported Stroke (Cerebrovascular accident) and the other was an 89-year-old man with reported Heart Inflammation (Endocarditis).

Our Analysts (who continue to follow the TGA DAEN very closely) report that there have now been 980 deaths reported to the TGA via the DAEN since the COVID-19 vaccination program began on 22nd February 2021^. That’s an average of 43 deaths being reported each month!

What is also troubling is that of the 904 deaths that have been reported (where an age is known), 241 of these deaths are in the working age demographic of 18 to 64. That’s 27% of all the deaths (where an age is known).

In a recent petition to the federal government on COVID-19 vaccines, the response from the federal health minister was that the COVID vaccines are voluntary, the evaluation process is robust, and that the gathering of data will not be completed until 2024. That means that this experiment will run into mid 2024.

The government also asserts that their decision making is backed by peer-reviewed papers and experts from the TGA and advisory committee on vaccines who are apparently independent and external. Interestingly, the Minister neither references any studies or shares names of the experts. The government appears to be selectively looking for data to support one argument and refuses to look into the mounting and very noisy body of evidence that clearly depicts the experiment has caused harm and must be stopped and a full investigation launched. Currently, there is no scientific process, instead it is a political one.

Why is the government refusing to engage and accept the increasing number of COVID vaccine related injuries and deaths, and for how much longer will they be able to label the COVID experiment as “safe and effective?”

^some cases/deaths have since been removed from the DAEN but have been included by our Analysts in the numbers quoted above. It is unclear at this point why these cases/deaths were removed by the TGA.

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